Self-affirmation of Painting Language – Preliminary Study of Portrait Paintings Made by Tong Yanrunan
Wang Lin
I only make a judgment on the portraits made by Tong Yanrunan for the sake of short speaking time, with a few words of explanations.
His portrait creation is to achieve self-affirmation of personal painting language through self-denial of characters. It can be understood as the following two aspects:
On the one hand, his works are undoubtedly affirmative to the object. The original object itself is affirmed for the same integrality as the whole "ox" in the story of "Dismembering an Ox by a Skillful Butcher Pao Ding" he mentioned. The painter achieves the individual selectivity of artistic perception by observing, choosing and feeling. The connection of three procedures is modernity value of individuality.
On the other hand, it is self-denial of a certain image by changing or even damaging, to achieve self-affirmation of painting language. What Tong Yanrunan wants to prompt is the current cultural background of Chinese freehand painting tradition, thus, he has a relationship with today's artistic concept.
In a sense, Tong Yanrunan takes the train of thought of academic art creation. He attaches great importance to the quality, standard and expressiveness of painting, that is, the so-called painting, which is different from the graphic expression. In the contemporary era, there is still a further space for us to study his portrait painting by thinking what lead to the social significance from perspective of academic creation. We can see new clues and possibilities from the repetition of the same identity, as well as the different ways of instant creation rather than paint from life. Tong Yanrunan is worthy of our expectations.
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